Site visit to buffer strip intervention sites

Nature-based solutions (NBS) are making news at the Massacciuccoli Lake demonstration case study site in the Serchio River Basin, Italy. Headlines read; “Green buffers for the health of Massacciucoli’s water, “Massacciuccoli, the future of the lake is in the hands of EU”, and “Kick off to the project for the protection of the Lake.”
Examples of news articles in the media about Nature-based solutions at the Massacciuccoli Lake demonstration case study site in the Serchio River Basin
During the last few weeks, several local newspapers have highlighted the progress of PHUSICOS at Massacciuccoli Lake – in dialogue with local farmers, green solutions to reduce the hydro-meteorological risk and improve the water quality are being implemented. The journalists are reporting on a recent site visit to mark the start of implementing the buffer strip interventions that have been planned thus far.
Those present at the site visit included the Director of the Autoritá di Bacino del Fiume Serchio (ADBS), two of the farmers implementing the buffer strips on their property, researchers from the University of Pisa as well as a representative from Nexman, a local start-up company. Nexman is responsible for the installation and maintenance of the monitoring system to evaluate water quality and quantity as well as to verify the effectiveness of the NBS.
Over the next years, ADBS will focus its attention to scaling these solutions as best-practices to other regions in Italy. The office of “Special projects” at ADBS is leading this work and has proposed innovative NBS to be adopted within regional plans for water management.
List of relevant media posts on this subject:
- La nazione- Viareggio: Kick off to the project for the protection of the Lake
- The Massacciuccoli is now safer, kick off to the works of PHUSICOS project
- The Massacciuccoli lake is safer, kick off to the “green” EU project Phusicos
- Verdeazzurronotizie: The Massacciuccoli lake is safer, kick off to the works financed by the “green” EU project Phusicos
- Massacciuccoli, the future of the lake is in the hands of EU
- Massacciuccoli is safer: the works of the EU Phusicos project have started
- Green buffers for the health of Massacciucoli’s water
By: Nicola Delseppia, ADBS,