Presenting VR game at EGU22

James Strout will be presenting the PHUSICOS-VR game in special session at EGU22: EOS1.3 Games for Geoscience, late afternoon Wednesday 25 May. EGU – European Geoscience Union has its annual general assembly in Vienna, Austria 23-27 May.
PHUSICOS-VR is a virtual reality game exploring the use of Nature Based Solutions for combating natural hazards. The game was developed as a spin-off innovation project within work package 6 of the EU project PHUSICOS led by NGI with Amy Oen as principle investigator. Work Package 6 is led by Turid Wulff-Knutsen from Innlandet County.
The title of the presentation is PHUSICOS-VR: Using virtual reality to explore mitigation measures for geohazards with contributing authors James M. Strout, Turid Wulff-Knutsen, Anne Stine Solberg, and Jelmer Verhoog.
About Games for Geoscience (from the EGU session description)
Games have the power to ignite imaginations and place you in someone else’s shoes or situation, often forcing you into making decisions from perspectives other than your own. This makes them powerful tools for communication, through use in outreach, disseminating research, in education and teaching at all levels, and as a method to train the public, practitioners and decision makers in order to build environmental resilience.
Games can also inspire innovative and fun approaches to learning. Gamification and game-based approaches add an extra spark of engagement and interaction with a topic. Gaming technology, like virtual reality, transports and immerses people into new worlds providing fascinating and otherwise impossible experiences for learners. In this session we welcome contributions from anyone who has used games, gaming technology, and/or game-based approaches in their research, their teaching, or public engagement activities.
EGU22 website
EGU22 program Wednesday 25th May
News item prepared by
Dr. James M. Strout, Expert Adviser, Climate Adaption and Hydrodynamics, NGI,