PHUSICOS webinar, 7 – 16 September 2020

The European Commission defined the Nature-based solutions (NBS) as living solutions inspired by, continuously supported by and using nature. They are designed to address various environmental challenges in a resource efficient and adaptable manner and to provide simultaneously economic, social and environmental benefits.
NBS have been identified as critical for ecosystem regeneration and improvement of human well-being, socio-ecological resilience, multi-functional watershed management and ecosystem restoration. NBS have especially been applied to address societal challenges, such as climate change mitigation and promoted by practitioners and through policy. The European Union is positioning itself as a leader in NBS implementation helping through research and action grant NBS implementation working with local communities.
PHUSICOS, ( meaning ‘According to nature’, in Greek φυσικός. PHUSICOS is an EU funded action and innovation project. It will demonstrate how nature-inspired solutions reduce the risk of extreme weather events in rural mountain landscapes. The focus is on demonstrating the effectiveness of nature-based solutions (NBSs) and their ability to reduce the impacts from small, frequent events (extensive risks) in rural mountain landscapes.
There is a lack of adequate proof of concept for NBSs to address hydro-meteorological events in rural and mountainous regions. PHUSICOS will fill the knowledge gap specifically related to NBSs for hydro-meteorological hazards (flooding, erosion, landslides and drought) by implementing NBSs at several European case study sites. These sites comprise three large-scale demonstrator sites Italy, France/Spain/Andorra and Norway; and two small-scale complementary concept cases in Austria and Germany.
NBS implementation and related restoration sciences are evolving by learning from success and failures. In this context, and especially in the case of the Isar concept case (CC Isar), knowledge exchange is a goal with high priority. One of the main objectives of the CC Isar is sharing experiences in interacting with the project partners, with leaders of the demonstrator cases, with emerging scientists and managers from Phusicos related projects and beyond.
In order to achieve this goal, the CC Isar will be a showcase for lessons learned on NBS implementation to mitigate flood risks (Living Lab approach) and will share gained experiences to satisfy the upscaling requirement of other cases.
About the Webinar
The PHUSICOS project is organizing a webinar focused on learning about implemented Nature Based Solutions in mountain areas. The training program will consist of inspirational discussions, independent project work on case sites, and virtual lectures from the technical University of Munich (Germany), the University of Napoli (Italy), the University of Tours (France), the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Austria), and the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (Norway).
Participants will receive insights on PHUSICOS and other H2020 projects, attend virtual lectures, work individually on specific case sites of their choice and in groups to spark collaboration, and discuss specific topics. The summer school will
The webinar will bring together students, young researchers, young professional and scientific experts to examine research findings as well as practical experiences on planning and design of Nature Based Solutions to mitigate flood risks in mountainous regions.
The webinar will start online in Zoom the 07.09.2020 at 9 a.m. (Germany) and online the 16.09.2020 around midday. Live sessions are every day from 9 to 12 a.m. Saturday and Sunday are non-working days.
The webinar is aimed for students or young professionals interested in NBS, including scientists, government regulators, various industry sectors, spatial planners, engineers, architects, technical experts, market actors, as well as graduate students.
The deadline for application is 29.08.2020. Please send your application to
Remember to attach your curriculum vitae to the application form.
Fees and certificate
The webinar is free of charge. Participants will receive a certificate of participation when attending lectures regularly and for the final presentation.
Further info
If you have any questions, please contact:
Aude Zingraff-Hamed (Technical University of Munich):
Gerd Lupp (Technical University of Munich):
cover the following topics: